Form toggles are components such as checkbox, radio, switch and select.
Checkboxes are most commonly used to give users a way to make a range of selections (zero, one, or multiple). They may also be used as a way to have users indicate they agree to specific terms and services.
Use radio buttons to present each item in a list of options where users must make a single selection.
Switches toggle the state of a single setting on or off.
Select lets users choose one option from an options menu. Consider select when you have 4 or more options, to avoid cluttering the interface.
Everything you need to ship websites faster than ever. Preview all components and sections in the full version of SystemFlow.
Get a free Figma version where you can use all components, icons and styles and some sections components.
Watch a complete guide for Full Version of our framework for Figma and Webflow. Learn how to use the docs, components, styles and more!
Components are the reusable building blocks of SystemFlow. Each component meets a specific interaction or UI need, and has been specifically created to work together to create patterns and intuitive user experiences.
Use sections to build landing pages in a swift. SystemFlow Lite contains 2 out of 15 section categories available in the full version.